Tuesday, May 27, 2014

What's on my iPhone

On my bad day (the Friday before Mother's Day), I was recovering from some horrible stomach thing.  I made plans to see my optometrist regarding a thing in my left eye.  That morning, I put cleaning solution (instead of rinsing solution) directly into my contact and into my right eye.  It hurt a whole lot.  Here I am, ready for the breakfast with mom program at Brady's preschool, with both eyes hurting in their own ways... I'm also sporting my new Stella and Dot jewelry that I opened with the kids that morning.

The kids were really sweet, and Brady had lots of treasures waiting for me.

After Brady's program at school, I visited the optometrist.  This allergy induced polyp on my eyelid had been scratching my cornea.  He prescribed an eye drop.  I went straight to CVS to fill my prescription, which was $166 with insurance for the tiniest bottle you've ever seen.

I went home for a few minutes to tidy up before going to pick up my prescription.  I was weak and tired, and needed an emotional pick me up.  I placed my new Mother's Day gifts on the fireplace mantle with care, I made the bed, and then I realized I stepped in Daisy poop in the living room and tracked it all over the house.  I spot cleaned what I could and got out of the house.  

I called my mom, because that's what you do when you have a bad day.  She left school early to take the kids and I to Cheesecake Factory.  Grammy makes all of us happy.

The following morning, Brady had a baseball game.  The regular fields were wet, so we played on the practice field against a team that took the game more seriously than us.  At the end of every game, Coach Scott gives out a game ball (or two).  Taylor and I joked that the game ball was more of a purple heart medal.  Fortunately, Brady got a ball for getting three kids out.

He was SO VERY excited!

In the evenings, Taylor and I frequently sit in the hot tub without the kids.  I love coming inside to this : )

One of Brady's classmates, David, had a birthday party at ITZ right after school.  It was nice to have the whole place to ourselves.

Daniel won 500 tickets from a giant spinning wheel.

David's mom really hadn't planned to open gifts at the party, but Brady REALLY wanted to and obviously David REALLY wanted to.  I love how Brady was sincerely SO excited to GIVE to David, rather than being jealous.

Have I mentioned Brady's AWESOME at those claw machines that seem to dupe everyone?  He won not one, but TWO toys from the claw machines.  He immediately gave the minion to Anna Belle, then went on to win the purple ball for himself.  He later gave it to the birthday boy, who wanted a ball of his own.

I realize we're approaching an age where I shouldn't take bathtub pictures anymore, but aren't they cute?

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