At 8:00 AM on Christmas morning, my mom, dad and sister came over to start opening gifts. This cool HotWheels set was from Mammaw (the money she sent). This is the first gift Brady wanted to assemble on Christmas morning.
Grammy and Pappaw gave Anna Belle an American Girl Bitty Baby. Anna Belle is in love, and it melts my heart.
Mammaw's money got this little baby doll crib for Anna Belle. It's part of our bedtime routine now for Anna Belle to put her baby in the crib, kiss her goodnight, and then we read our regular bedtime stories. She even says, "Night-Night baby, I love you," which is what I say to her each night before I close the door. My heart swells with love to see a loving and nurturing spirit from my kids.
When Anna Belle and I watch movies in my room, she wants to lay next to one another and hold hands. Now that she has baby, she holds my hand on one side and baby's hand on the other side.
At 10:00 AM Christmas morning, we went to Papa's house to meet up with the rest of my mom's side of the family. Again, I feel overwhelmingly blessed to have such a great family. We had a nice brunch before heading home for the kid's naps.
Our living room was a HUGE disaster when we got home. The wrapping paper was all in trash bags, but there were still lots of things to take out of boxes, assemble, find new homes for, etc. On the day after Christmas, after I was done assembling most of Brady's toys, I put away the Christmas tree. It's ironic to me how much I love putting the decorations up right after Halloween and how eager I am to take the decorations down on December 26th. Though I didn't tell Taylor that was my plan, he wasn't the least bit surprised to come home from work and see that our house was back to normal.
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